About this Program

环境健康学位为环境和职业健康领域的职位提供职业准备, 哪些是影响社区环境卫生和工作场所人员安全与健康的因素的评价和管理. 学生们将被灌输到包括工业卫生的所有各种项目和主题中, occupational safety, and environmental health. Each program area provides course work in the regulations, work and community exposures, 健康危害, 和控制. 课程材料涵盖了所有当前的通用工业实践,包括测量, 评估, 检查, and how to determine risks and health impacts.

Program Highlights

  • Curriculum accredited by the National Environmental Science & Protection 认证 Council

  • 学生们准备担任初级职位,如环境卫生专家, industrial hygienists, and occupational safety specialists. 看到宣传册

  • Students gain practical experience while interning with community. 了解更多关于环境卫生学生实习和经验.

  • This program is taught by environmental health professionals, Certified 安全 Professionals, and Certified Industrial Hygienists with extensive, practical field experience. 为学生提供基于场景的考试和练习,培养批判性思维和解决问题的能力. 该计划还包括在卫生部门实习,提供实践经验, industrial plants, 船厂, 废水的网站, and various other settings.

Bachelor of Science in Environmental 健康


Check out these ideas from ODU Career Development 服务sOccupational Information Network (O*NET). 中位数工资是人们通常收入的中间值——一半的受访者收入高于中位数工资, and half earned below.

Industrial 安全 and 健康 Engineers

$92,190 工资中位数

计划, 实现, and coordinate safety programs, requiring application of engineering 原则 and technology, to prevent or correct unsafe environmental working conditions.

Human Factors Engineers and Ergonomists

$90,340 工资中位数

设计对象, 设施, 以及优化人类福祉和整体系统性能的环境, 应用理论, 原则, 以及有关人类与各自技术之间关系的数据. 调查和分析人类行为和表现的特点,因为它涉及到技术的使用.

Occupational 健康 and 安全 Specialists

$73,600 工资中位数

审查, 评估, 分析工作环境,设计程序和程序进行控制, 消除, and prevent disease or injury caused by chemical, 物理, and biological agents or ergonomic factors. 是否可以进行检查并强制遵守有关个人健康和安全的法律法规. May be employed in the public or private sector. Includes environmental protection 办公室rs.

Environmental Scientists and Specialists, Including 健康

$76,220 工资中位数

进行研究或进行调查,以确定, 减弱, 或消除影响环境或人口健康的污染物或危害的来源. Using knowledge of various scientific disciplines, 可以收集, 合成, 研究, 报告, 并根据测量或观察到的空气数据提出行动建议, 食物, 土壤, 水, and other sources.


Federal Agencies
健康 Departments
Industrial 计划ts & 工厂
Construction Sites


进入环境健康理学学士课程的学生应该满足最低的大学入学要求 本科 入学.
  • 在进入环境健康专业之前,学生必须完成以下课程:ENGL 110C, 英格兰231 c, 杂志121 n / 122 n, 杂志123 n / 124 n, 杂志103年, BIOL 250或240, 化学121 n / 122 n, 化学123 n / 124 n, 化学211, 化学212, phy 111牛, 通讯101 r, MATH 162M and STAT 130M. 注意: 选项D满足高级通识教育的要求,在你的专业学院之外完成6个300-400学分的课程. Foreign language may be satisfied with 3 years of 1 or 2 years of 2 languages in high school; graduation from HS prior to 12/31/85, or with AA or AS Degree from VCCS.


在ODU, 我们知道,作为一名转学生,你有独特的需求,需要广泛的校园资源. 行政咨询和学术合作中心旨在创造一种包容的文化,支持成功的转移...


Estimated rates for the 2023-24 academic year. Rates are subject to change. 任何目前不是弗吉尼亚州居民的人都将被收取非居民费率. That includes international students.

Active Duty 军事 Rate
成本每个点数 $250
Virginia Resident
成本每个点数 $393
成本每个点数 $407
成本每个点数 $1,073


Here are a few ways for you to save on the cost of attending ODU. For more information visit University Student Financial aid


BSEH项目为学生提供两项ODU奖学金和许多其他专业组织的奖学金机会. ODU Marton Technologies和AuClair奖学金每年至少奖励1000美元.