Assistant Professor
Communication & Theatre 艺术

Najmeh Moradiyan Rizi

NORFOLK, 23529

Najmeh Moradiyan-Rizi is Assistant Professor of 电影 Studies at the Old Dominion University. She holds a Ph.D. in 电影 and Media Studies and a Graduate Certificate in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies from the University of Kansas. Her peer-reviewed articles have been published in journals including Open Cultural Studies, Synoptique, Journal of Religion and 电影, and a variety of edited books, including most recently, The I.B. Tauris Handbook of Iranian Cinema (Bloomsbury, 2024).

Ph.D. in 电影 and Media Studies (with honors), University of Kansas, (2021)


World Cinema
global women's cinema; Middle Eastern cinemas (with a special focus on Iranian cinema)
documentary film; film history; film theory
Cultural Studies
women's and gender studies; Iranian studies; American studies (with a special focus on the American West)