
绿点 ODU works to build a shared vision of a violence free campus and a shared sense of responsibility for campus safety. 研究 demonstrates that incidents of sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking begin to plummet by as much as 50% when faculty, 工作人员, and students become active in spreading the 绿点 message.

Through faculty and 工作人员 presentations and student bystander training, 绿点 shows how each of us can choose to replace moments of potential harm (red dots) with moments of safety and support (green dots). 最终, ODU's 绿点 iniative fosters a campus climate where all Monarchs can pursue their college dreams feeling respected and valued.

Why does this matter?

Interpersonal violence occurs on such a staggering scale, all of us are affected by it in some way. Consider the loss of human potential represented by these statistics:

  • 1 in 5 women at college are sexually assaulted
  • 1 in 10 men experience unwanted sexual contact in their lives
  • 1 in 3 students experience relationship abuse
  • 1 in 3 transgender, gender non-conforming and queer students are sexually assaulted
  • 1 in 6 women and 1 in 19 men are stalked

Imagine a future where the people represented by these numbers never became victims because a bystander stepped up and did something to prevent the violence from happening. Instead of spending years recovering from trauma and potentially having their lives derailed, these people could direct all their energy toward creating, 培养, innovating and building a better world. How wonderful would that be...?

How to Get Involved

Fall 2024 Student Training

日期: 9月12日
时间: 12:30-1:30pm
地点: 虚拟

Fall 2024 教师 Training

日期: September 9th or October 31st
时间: 12:30-1:30pm
地点: 虚拟

Big Blue Rocking the Dot
绿点 Training

To request an overview training, email wgec@theredpillbooks.com.