

The Old Dominion Citizen's Police Academy provides an excellent opportunity for citizens who work or live in the area surrounding ODU to become familiar with the day-to-day operations of their 警察局. It will enable participants to gain a better understanding of the procedures, 的指导方针, 责任, 要求, 人员, 设备, 政策, and laws that guide the 警察局's decision-making process.  To learn more about the 市民警察学院, view our 宣传册.  To apply, stop by our headquarters at 4516 Monarch Way.


We believe that education is the first line of defense in promoting safety for all. If you'd like to schedule an officer to come and speak to your group, contact us to start the conversation. Our officers engage the community with special safety presentations and demonstrations on a number of topics including, 威胁评估, 安全空间(LGBTQ资源)醉酒护目镜, Drug/Alcohol Awareness, Hazing, Campus 安全 (in an urban environment), Bar & 家庭聚会安全, 校外生活, 社交媒体/网络安全, 恐怖主义的意识, 主动威胁及更多!




警察学员穿制服, 支付, part-time positions limited to full-time or part-time ODU students and maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher (Criminal Justice majors are preferred, but not required). 警察学员 function as walking escorts on campus, and patrol the campus providing information and assistance to the university community and campus visitors.


强奸侵犯辩护(R.A.D.) is a FREE comprehensive course for women that teaches realistic self-defense tactics and techniques. Founded by an ODU Police Officer in 1989, and taught today by ODU Police Officers who are nationally-certified R.A.D. 教练, the course begins with awareness, 预防, 风险教育, 以及风险规避, and progresses to hands-on basic defense training.尽管R.A.D. 不是武术节目吗, it is dedicated to teaching women defense concepts and techniques against various types of assault by utilizing easy, 有效的, 以及经过验证的自卫策略. R.A.D. 不仅信息丰富,而且有趣. 在上节课中, students have a chance to test their new skills in simulated "attacks" by officers in protective gear. 女性 who complete the course will leave with developed and enhanced options of self-defense to make educated decisions about resistance when attacked.

R.A.D. Course consists of 12 hours of instruction, which can be broken up into any configuration that works best for your group, depending on availability of 教练.


The 顺风车计划 gives the Monarch community an opportunity to ride with a sworn law enforcement officer while the officer is engaged in regular duties.


  1. 年满18岁.
  2. Complete the application accurately and fully.
  3. Agree to a criminal record check.


Those accepted to take part in a ride-along must agree and adhere to certain criteria for their safety and that of the officer(s), outlined in detail on the application. 你可下载 顺风车应用 or pick up a copy in person at 4516 Monarch Way Norfolk, VA, 23529. The ODU 警察局 reserves the right to deny an applicant for any reason. 应用 Now >


As part of ODUPD's proactive active shooter preparedness strategy, we provide training on the actions to take to prevent and prepare for potential active shooter incidents, framed by the FBI's "Run-Hide-Fight" Training.

We regularly present active threat training at adjunct faculty orientations, 员工年度培训, and to student groups and organizations. Individual or customized trainings are also available upon request.


TIPS (Training for Intervention ProcedureS) is a dynamic, skills-based training program designed to prevent intoxication, drunk driving and underage drinking by enhancing the fundamental "people skills" of servers, 酒精的销售者和消费者.

TIPS gives individuals the knowledge and confidence they need to recognize potential alcohol-related problems and intervene to prevent alcohol-related tragedies.

To learn more about this program, please contact us at police@theredpillbooks.com.



The ODU 警察局 facilitates two types of Driver Improvement Training courses: the DMV Training program, which is open to the public for $60/attendee; and the ODU Employee Training which is a condensed training (based on DMV program) and offered at no charge to ODU employees, such as those required to take it to drive state vehicles.


从相信开始 is a global awareness campaign designed to end the cycle of silence and change the way we respond to sexual assault.

It is based on decades of research documenting that disclosures by sexual assault victims often elicit responses of doubt and blame, rather than compassion and support.